Banana French Toast Roll-Ups Recipe

Here’s a delicious and unique breakfast treat: Banana French Toast Roll-Ups. This recipe transforms ordinary sandwich bread and bananas into a delightful morning delight with a sweet, cinnamon twist. Perfect for brunch or a special breakfast, these roll-ups are sure to impress both kids and adults alike.


  • Sandwich Bread: 10 slices
  • Ripe Bananas: 3, thinly sliced
  • Butter: 3-4 tablespoons
  • Sugar: 1 tablespoon for sautéing bananas and 1/3 cup for coating
  • Eggs: 2
  • Milk: 3 tablespoons
  • Cinnamon: 1/2 – 1 teaspoon
  • Powdered Sugar: For dusting


  1. Prepare the Banana Filling: In a non-stick pan, melt 1.5 tablespoons of butter. Add the sliced bananas and 1 tablespoon of sugar, sautéing until golden and caramelized. Set aside.
  2. Cinnamon-Sugar Mixture: Combine the remaining sugar with cinnamon in a small bowl. Set aside.
  3. Egg Wash: In another bowl, beat the eggs with milk until well combined.
  4. Prepare Bread Slices: Remove the crusts from the bread slices and flatten them with a rolling pin to make them more pliable.
  5. Assemble the Roll-Ups: Spread caramelized bananas along one edge of each bread slice, brush the opposite side with egg wash, and roll tightly, ensuring the roll is sealed.
  6. Cook the Roll-Ups: In a pan over medium heat, melt 1 tablespoon of butter. Dip each roll-up in the egg mixture, then cook seam side down, turning to brown all sides evenly.
  7. Coat and Serve: Roll the warm roll-ups in the sugar-cinnamon mixture or dust them with powdered sugar. Serve warm.

Notes and FAQs:

  • Can I use other fruits? Yes, you can substitute bananas with thinly sliced apples, pears, or even peaches for a different flavor.
  • Make ahead? These are best served fresh, but you can prepare the fillings in advance to save time in the morning.


Banana French Toast Roll-Ups offer a fun and tasty twist on traditional French toast. They combine the sweetness of caramelized bananas with the comforting warmth of cinnamon, wrapped in a crispy, eggy bread roll. Whether you’re hosting a brunch or looking for something special to start your day, these roll-ups are sure to bring smiles to your breakfast table. Enjoy the delicious simplicity of this treat and the joy it brings to your morning!


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